Democrats Work For America is a political action committee supporting grassroots activism,
run by grassroots activists, for the purpose of electing Democrats

Candidate Vetting

Assessing the candidate most likely to win the General Election through rigorouos, multi-layered  iterative vetting and analysis.

Targeted Support

Identifying gaps in the infrastructure, leveraging local grassroots support, and maximizing impact.

Get Out The Vote

Maximize GOTV efforts of local groups and campaigns with national support through organizing and mobilizing volunteers.

Win Blue

Electing Democrats to office up and down the ballot ensures a strong bench and increases the success of policy changes.

Democrats Work For America

What makes us different?

There are many other organizations working to elect Democrats.  What sets us apart? Besides being 100% grassroots and supported soley through individual donors (we take no corporate funding), we utilize a unique approach.

Community Level Assessment

We do not use policy litmus tests to determine support of candidates. We assess according to local issues, demographics, and district-level input. We feature races we determine as winnable with grassroots support.

Strategic Support and Ongoing Assessment

Our 'loyalty' is to winning the seat, not a specific candidate. Down-ticket support is strategic and designed to maximize turnout and win future seats . Ongoing assessments may necessarily result in changes in strategy.




We started with the idea that grassroots activists were well positioned to assess winnable candidates and fill gaps in the party infrastructure with strategic, targeted grassroots support.

We were right. In 2017 and 2018 we won a total of 254 seats. We endorsed 286 candidates for primary elections, with 237 winners for a primary win-rate of 83%. 147 of our primary winners went on to win their general election. We have a win-loss ratio of 2:1. Candidates we endorsed in the primary are twice as likely to win their general.     

Primary nominations

Our Primary Win-Rate for 2020 and 2022 was 86% and 88%     

We're particularly proud of our 217 General Election wins. Early assessment and early support provides critical momentum for candidates in November.

Building The Bench

Previously Supported Candidates

83 of our candidates were previously supported by us in elections and ran as incumbents or challengers for another seat.



The core of Democrats Work For America is our hard-working volunteer activists.
We have a carefully selected Board of experienced political activists.

Rachel Murphy Azzara


Rachel Murphy Azzara

Founder And Executive Director

Rich Wilkins


Rich Wilkins

board of Directors

Debbie Lima


Debbie Lima

Board of Directors

Diane Straub


Diane Straub

Board of Directors


We look forward to hearing from you!