Candidate Profile

Mark Kelly


Mark Kelly

You helped elect Sen. Mark Kelly U.S. Senator from Arizona in special election in November 2020! Thank you! Sen. Mark Kelly is running for re-election in regular cycle in November 2022. Let's help Sen. Mark Kelly win.

Mark Kelly was the commander of many expeditions of the space shuttle for NASA. Mark and his wife - former congresswoman Gabby Giffords - live in Tucson, AZ. Mark is a strong Democrat.

We are counting on grassroots supporters like you to power Mark Kelly to victory.

Thank you to all of our veterans in Arizona, and across the country, for your service and sacrifices for our nation. As a veteran, I know how important it is to not only recognize those sacrifices but to make sure that our veterans receive the benefits and care they earned. I'll make it my mission to ensure that the federal government serves our veterans with the same respect and honor as our veterans have served us.

- Mark Kelly

Elect Mark Kelly for AZ-SEN.