Candidate Profile

Charlie Crist


Charlie Crist

Hon. Charlie Crist is the former Governor of Florida and current Representative for Florida's 13th congressional district. Charlie Crist was first elected to the House in 2016.

We're counting on grassroots supporters like you to power Charlie Crist to victory.

Gov. DeSantis’ vision of Florida is clear. If you want to vote, he won’t help you. If you’re working, he won’t support you. If you’re a woman, he will not empower you. If you’re an immigrant, he won’t accept you. If you’re facing discrimination, he won’t respect you. If you’re sick, he won’t care for you. If you’re impacted by climate change, and we all are, he won’t even believe you. That’s not a vision for our state

- Charlie Crist

Elect Charlie Crist for FL-GOV.