Candidate Profile

Jen Jordan


Jen Jordan

In 2017, you helped elect Jen Auer Jordan to Georgia State Senate District 6; she officially broke the Republican super-majority in the Georgia state senate! She is now running for Attorney General against Republican incumbent. Yes. We. Can. - flip and win GA-AG seat!

Jen Jordan is the current awesome state Senator for Georgia's 6th senate district.

Jen Jordan learned work ethics and importance of economy that works for all from her hardworking single mom. Jen prides in being a product of public school system. She went on to earn her JD (magna cum laude) from University of Georgia and become a lawyer with passion for fairness and standing up for those the system has failed.

In 2015, Jen brought lawsuit against the GA's Secretary of State (SoS) challenging data breach from SoS distributing personal information of every voter in the state affecting 6 million Georgians. Only then did the SoS office give the required legal notice to victims and offer to provide credit repair insurance.

Jen Jordan is a resident of the district for over 15 years; she lives here with her husband Lawton and their two children.

We are counting on grassroots supporters like you to power Jen Jordan to victory.

I’m running because it’s time that all of the people of Georgia had a voice — not just the powerful. Because our current attorney general just isn’t looking out for us.

- Jen Jordan

Elect Jen Jordan for GA-AG.