Candidate Profile

Shontel Brown


Shontel Brown

With Rep. Marcia Fudge (D, OH-11) joining Pres. Biden's administration, Ohio's 11th congressional district seat is vacant and has special election on November 2, 2021. Let us support a strong Democrat who has a record of working together with all people!

Shontel Brown is the current Cuyahoga County Council Rep and first Black+Female Chairperson (2017-now) of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party (CCDP). Seen video is collage of her appearances at CCDP events in her first year as chairwoman of CCDP. Previously, Shontel Brown served as a Warrensville Heights city council member (2012-now). Shontel Brown is a native Clevelander.

OH-11 has large part of Cuyahoga County in the north and a sizeable chunk of Summit County in the south. Shontel Brown is well reputed from her work as a leader in the Democoratic party, across the district, especially in Cuyahoga, and is likely to garner support from grassroots activists from across the district and beyond.

As the OH state will get redistricted later this year, this super blue district could get redistricted to be less blue. Shontel's ability to bring along all people will be super important. Shontel Brown is well endorsed by Democratic party leaders as well as leaders within OH-11.

We're counting on grassroots supporters like you to power Shontel Brown to victory.

"Shontel is a committed public servant and would be an honest and compassionate leader for the people of Akron and the entire 11th Congressional District. I endorse her candidacy and look forward to seeing her represent Ohio in Congress."

- Mayor Daniel Horrigan

Elect Shontel Brown for OH-11.